Henri Martin Supports Women’s Rights and Issues

Protecting Women’s Health Care

  • Supported the creation of a state council on protecting women's health care.

  • Worked to expand required health insurance coverage for preexisting conditions, which women experience at a higher rate than men.

  • Cosponsored legislation to protect essential health benefits, including maternity care, and codify them into state law. 

  • Worked with advocates from Planned Parenthood and the March of Dimes and others to enable pregnant women to obtain health insurance and access vital prenatal care, which included overcoming Governor Malloy’s opposition.

  • Established Maternal Mental Health Awareness in Connecticut and increased resource sharing on postpartum mood disorders, intimate partner violence, and substance use disorders.

  • Successfully worked with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to pass laws that enhance access to lifesaving early screening for breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

  • Backed a bill requiring health insurance coverage for patients who want to preserve their eggs or sperm following a cancer diagnosis.

Helping Women in the Workforce

  • Supports equal pay for equal work (voted in support of bills in 2015 & 2018)

  • Spearheaded legislation to help women reenter the workforce and support childcare (2022)

  • Passed policies to combat employment discrimination and workplace sexual harassment

Standing Up for Domestic Violence Survivors, Working to Stop Assault & Harassment

In memory of Jennifer Farber Dulos and Jennifer Magnano:

  • Voted to expand the definition of domestic violence to include “coercive control" to better protect domestic violence survivors.

  • Voted to fund 18 child advocates across the state to provide services to children and families experiencing domestic violence

  • Supported anti-discrimination protections for domestic violence victims.

  • Voted to protect the personal information of victims of sexual assault and family violence.

  • Supported increasing domestic violence training

  • Voted to protect the names, addresses and identifying information of victims of sexual assault and family violence from being shared publicly.

  • Supported laws to create parity between sexual assault in the case of a spousal or cohabitating relationship and other sexual assault crimes to ensure all victims of sexual assault, no matter their relationship with the abuser, have access to the same legal protections.

  • Supported legislation to require schools to provide information about domestic violence and resources to students, parents/guardians who express safety concerns due to family violence

  • Passed bill to require online dating services to provide Connecticut users with safety awareness notifications before allowing the consumers on their platforms.

  • Passed policies to combat employment discrimination and workplace sexual harassment

  • Voted to close the loophole on state “upskirting” laws to better protect victims.

  • Expanded stalking and harassment laws to include more types of online intimidation.

  • Fought against sexual misconduct on college campuses

  • Made community violence prevention services a covered service under the Medicaid program.

Henri Works Hard for You